boundless Love, dedicated Care
In partnership with our community
End of Life Care
The Toowoomba Hospice is a 6 bed facility focused on providing optimal client centred palliative care.
Clients coming to the Toowoomba Hospice for end of life care must have a life-limiting health condition, be no longer having active medical/curative treatment, and be deemed to be within the last 3 months of life (as diagnosed by the client’s medical/nursing practitioner, or specialist).
How to Access our Services
Admission can be arranged through:
* a direct request from the client or a family member,
* a client’s general practitioner or specialist or
* a client’s treating hospital.
The admitting clinical nurse or director of nursing will triage referrals with priority given to community clients and end-of-life clients with multiple or severe health issues.
We encourage potential clients and their families to visit the Hospice prior to admission whenever able.
For more information on our facility please see the 'about us' page.
The Toowoomba Hospice utilises the PCOC: Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration system to accurately record client conditions and in turn provide appropriate support.
For more information on PCOC please see the following website: PCOC
More Information about our service:
Whilst the Hospice is an independent hospital our routine is flexible. During a clients stay the Hospice staff do everything in their power to meet the specific needs of all our clients.
The Hospice employs registered nurses, personal care assistants, volunteers and a multidisciplinary team to provide holistic patient centred care for our clients. We also encourage client’s General Practitioners (GP) to attend their own patients whenever possible.
Families and visitors are welcome at the Toowoomba Hospice however with the updated Covid-19 restrictions on healthcare facilities the following applies to all visitors:
* Check in via the QLD check in app is required
* All visitors must be able to show proof of full vaccination
* Visitors are limited to two in a clients room at any time, this is to assist with social distancing requirements
* Additional PPE such as a mask may be required
* Staff may request to take your temperature upon arrival
* Visiting hours may also be implemented depending on the current circumstances.
Visiting hours are as follows: 10:00am-1:00pm & 3:00pm-5:00pm
Unfortunately failure to provide any of the above may mean you are unable to enter the facility.
The Hospice use of PCOC (Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration) tool
The PCOC program is a framework and protocol for routine clinical assessment and response. The use of the PCOC system ensures that our clients use assessment tools that are easily recognisable and accessible to Palliative care providers. For more information about the PCOC please click on the video link.
The Toowoomba Hospices' position on Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD):
We at the Hospice do not provide voluntary assisted dying services (VAD) at our facility.
We understand some people might want to explore this option and we will respect everyone's right to choose.
In line with the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021, The Toowoomba Hospice will facilitate the transfer of a client wanting to access VAD. If the client is unable to be safely transported, the Hospice may facilitate reasonable access to their VAD nurse and/or doctor.
For more information regarding voluntary assisted dying in Queensland please visit the Queensland Health Website: