असीमित माया,
समर्पित हेरचाह
हाम्रो समुदाय संग साझेदारी मा

Credentialled Members of the Hospice
At the Toowoomba Hospice, we bring together an exceptional team of medical experts, nursing clinicians and a variety of multidisciplinary service providers, to ensure we deliver personalised, safe and quality care for our clients.
All Medical Practitioner, Specialists, Nurse Practitioners, Allied Health professionals or alternate therapists need to be credentialled to refer clients or provide their service at the Toowoomba Hospice.
For visiting rights and credentialling enquiries please complete the enquiry form below. Once received, a member of our team will be in contact with more information. If you would like to read more about credentialling, continuing care obligations or the application process for Medical Practitioners, please click on the procedure below.
Medical Practitioner Admission Procedure and Continuing Care Obligations
If you are ready to apply, you may complete the application and insurance forms below and email them to info@toowoombahospice.org.au for processing.
To view or download a copy of the application form please click on the appropriate link below:
Application for Clinical Privilege - Allied Health and Complementary Therapies
Application for appointment and scope of clinical practice as an accredited practitioner
All applicants will need to supply evidence of insurance, please click on the appropriate authority to release information of insurance form below or alternatively provide a copy of your insurance certificate upon application.
Credentialling and Membership Enquiry
Please complete your details so we can provide you with more information about becoming credentialled with the Toowoomba Hospice.