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dedicated Kamanusaan sarta Studi
Dina partnership kalawan komunitas urang

Consumer Advisory Sub-Committee Membership
Our mission at the Toowoomba Hospice is to provide safe quality care in partnership with the community for those clients with a terminal illness. We believe that our people (staff and volunteers) and consumers (client, family member, friend, volunteer or interested community member) are our greatest asset and are an essential part of our ongoing success.
What is the CASC?
The Hospice is governed by a Management Committee (MC) which is supported by subsequent sub-committees. These sub-committees help guide the day to day operations and strategic direction of the Hospice. One of these committees is the Consumer Advisory Sub-Committee (CASC). Consumers are sought for their specific experience and strengths including networks and lived experience. A consumer is a person who has used or may potentially use our service or is a carer for a client using health services. The purpose of the CASC is to provide advice and feedback to the MC from a consumer and community point of view.
Membership with the CASC will be supported to represent a broad section of the community. As such, all consumers of varying age, backgrounds and faiths are encouraged to apply for membership. First Nations Peoples are highly encouraged to apply for membership and represent their communities within the CASC. There are no prerequisites required to join and members are not required to have a medical background. Members will be required to attend meetings and provide feedback.
CASC Objectives
❖ Advise the MC on key priorities, specific issues and initiatives from a consumer perspective
❖ Provide feedback on relevant policies and procedures relating to consumers of the Hospice
❖ Feedback and discussion around upcoming events and marketing and how this will be received by consumers.
❖ Provide consumer input regarding the design, delivery and evaluation of Hospice services and activities
❖ Assist and advise on developing essential partnerships with relevant stakeholders to strengthen support for consumer needs
❖ Advise the MC on what is required to support and mentor consumers access the Hospice services.
CASC Commitment, Roles and Responsibilities
❖ CASC membership will last for 12 months initially and then members will advise an ‘intent to continue’ if they wish to remain on the committee for a further 12 months
❖ Members will be required to join bi-annual CASC meetings either in person or via Zoom/Teams
Members will be provided with an agenda and associated reading materials for discussion prior to the meetings.
❖ Members will be required to abide by the Hospice’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policies (a copy of both will be provided upon appointment)
❖ CASC members will need to sign a Staff Confidentiality Agreement
❖ Members will be asked to provide any additional topics for discussion, including any supporting reading/documentation, to the chair of the committee prior to the distribution of the meeting agenda.
For more information please download the CASC EOI flyer below. Alternatively, feel free to contact the Quality Co-ordinator, Alanna Steyn directly through our enquiry button below.