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Cinta tanpa wates,
dedicated Kamanusaan sarta Studi
Dina partnership kalawan komunitas urang
Kajadian nu bakal datang
Di dieu di Hospice Toowoomba kami ngandelkeun pangrojong terus-terusan sareng kamurahan komunitas urang. Mangga tingali daptar acara upcoming na raffles pikeun émbaran nu langkung lengkep ihwal kumaha anjeun tiasa mantuan
Tingali sababaraha acara urang baheula ...
Hold your own fundraising event
Hosting an event that brings awareness and raises money for the Hospice is a great way to give back.
High Tea
Market stall
Golf Day
Sip n Paint
Car wash
Garage sale
Dinner Party
Trash Ya Hair for Hospice care
Free dress day
These are some examples of events that have been held by members of the public in the past.
If you would like more information or wish to hold an event please get in contact.

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